also mention in our latest report in collaboration with tiktok as one of the most follow content creators of the moment. With just two placements on his instagram account dicat to the venice film festival. The influencer generat a total of $544k in miv® . Nilufar addati – $523k in miv® another influencer who land in laguna for the event is nilufar addati. With three posts publish on her instagram profile. The influencer achiev a total mia impact value™ of $523k. Among the brands advertis by nilufar we find cartier for jewellery. Kérastase for hairstyle. Armani beauty for make-up and valdrinsahiti for clothes. Paola turani – $506k in miv® paola
Leonie hanne – $544k in miv® among the most famous international influencers. Leonie was
Is there a way to present a digital collection while maintaining its creative essence?
Is there a way to present a digital collection while maintaining its creative essence? So. What is the b2b leads best way to achieve the most successful display of your collection. While maintaining its essence and creativity ? Galleries by launchmetrics is the digital asset management solution for limitless creativity that allows you to manage digital assets organiz efficiently. To naturally tell the story of your most recent collection. Galleries allow brands to continue their storytelling as well as showcase fashion shows or presentations. Offering an additional touchpoint to review and amplify the visibility of collections. First of all. You will have quick and direct access to your content library:
Why not take a look at our Launchmetrics #ProTips video to explore how to showcase your digital collection through our digital asset management software?
all the images in your collection can be manag from a single platform. From this section. You can access new features. Such as organizing unique digital showrooms. Sharing important collection details. Inspiration. Textures. Videos. Etc. With guests. Launchmetrics galleries inde. Galleries offers you the possibility of developing personaliz and tailor-made showrooms that adapt to the aesthetics of your brand. Creating virtual collections with different fonts. Adding specific tags/names; as well as categorize collections into divisions by organizing images bas on their purpose. Through this feature. You will be Phone Number IT able to create customiz and unique lookbooks. Samples and sections in which to upload backstage content. Furthermore.