Why do allergies occur?

Allergy is characterized by an inadequate immune response to one or more foreign antigens. This reaction can lead to conditions such as allergic asthma, food allergies, atopic dermatitis eczema, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, and anaphylaxis. Additionally, people with allergies produce high levels of IgE when to allergens, called an atopic reaction. Th type or Th immune response is the type of response that is when we have allergies. It is by the production of IgE-type antibodies that adhere to the mast cell membrane, causing their degranulation and thus the release of histamine. Interestingly, this type of response has to combat parasitic infections throughout evolution. Histamine is the most effective way to eliminate internal parasites because they are large pathogens. Phagocytosis is a tool for smaller pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria. The incidence of many inflammatory diseases such as asthma and allergies has dramatically in Western countries in recent decades.

Rates of allergy to one or more common allergens

Among school-age children worldwide are close to. The hypothesis develop for the incidence of asthma and allergies is the hygiene hypothesis. He initially proposed that smaller households and personal hygiene Spain Mobile Number Database could reduce the chance of cross-infection within households, leading to immune system disorders. As this hypothesis has, it has included changes in the gut microbiota, which may be the real driver of the onset of inflammatory diseases in the Western world. What factors are with the development of allergies? Genetics Variations in some genes, including those encoding proteins in Th cell differentiation, are risk factors for allergies. However, the rapid increase in the incidence of allergic diseases in recent decades and the fact that immigrant populations often acquire atopic disease prevalence from the host country suggest that recently environmental factors are key factors in the development of allergy.

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The genetic component is a possible predisposing factor

But it does not in any case play a decisive role if the environment is suitable. The digestive tract and its immune development in early life The digestive tract is the largest structure in our body, measuring square meters. It is in contact with Bulgaria Phone Number List the outside world, through which we permanently interact with food antigens. Other tissues, such as the skin, lungs, genitourinary tract, and mammary glands. Are also part of our body’s first line of defense against external aggressions. All of these tissues are known as the common mucosal immune system because we find a large number of immune cells and lymphoid tissue in them. The skin is the second largest structure, measuring only square meters. It is for this reason that the digestive tract is the center of immune regulation. Up to 100% of the immunocompetent cells are present here. Early life is the period when the most fundamental and rapid changes occur in the development of the human immune system.

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