An example of our multiple tweet

American Express Buffer At Buffer, they often tweet links to the same article on their blog multiple times. Such tweets generate a lot of traffic on the website and engage followers. One of the repeate tweets is 10 Things To Stop Doing Today to Be Happier, Backe by Science , which was eagerly retweete with each publication, gaining many clicks and likes. If it had only been publishe once, they would have lost 417 clicks on Buffer. bufferSource: Buffer Brand24 At Brand24, we also repeat tweets to reach as many people as possible. Using our tool, the Internet is monitore by customers from Europe, America and Asia. We are well aware that our followers also come from different parts of the world and different time zones. is Why B2B Companies.

The same tweet twice will convince

Should Get Serious About Social Meia , which has garnere more likes with each post. It’s also a good example of how to re-tweet – although each post links to the same article, the photos and copy are always different. 8 Reasons Why B2B Companies Should whatsapp mobile number list Use Social Meia to Sell More though repeat tweets are a common practice, still not convince? Your main concern is surely will suspect you of spam. Perhaps the fact that on average only 14% of followers will see you. Although some of them will find it really annoying, Guy Kawasaki, at the LeWeb conference in Paris, said that this shows the good use of social meia.

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That your recipients

You will piss some people off from this [repeate tweets], I grant you that. But on social meia, if you’re not pissing people off, you’re probably not using it Phone Number IT hard enough” ). Maybe some people will unfollow you due to tweeting the same information multiple times, but reaching hundres of additional audiences will be rewarding. Aneta Glowacka Aneta Glowacka As a Content Manager at Brand24, she is happy to talk about what is happening in social meia and discover the potential of Internet monitoring.

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