The application within

The application Diagnostics Department covers imaging diagnostics and diagnostics based on other detection techniques, covering the area of ​​modern and efficient disease diagnosis based on the indicated techniques. Next, there are markers/tests that cover the development of innovative and effective methods of disease diagnosis. It is also telemedicine, i.e. innovative activities using measurement, information and communication technologies (ICT), coordinated health care, new preventive and/or therapeutic goals and clinical trials.

The customer high position

Product manufacturing is an area covering medicinal, biological, biologically sustainable, innovative and generic products as well as medical devices, dietary Photo Retouching supplements and foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses, namely active substances of medicinal products, dermatological and cosmetic medicinal products for external use and innovative medicinal products natural origin. KIS . Modern agriculture, forestry and food This is a type of specialization that covers the area of ​​plant and animal production, soil and agricultural land, as well as agricultural machinery, fertilizers, food, forestry and furniture.

Sales results in the mobile channel The application 

Here we will also find separate sections in which activities such as elements common to innovations in the agri-food and forest-wood sectors, soil and agricultural land – innovations to improve soil fertility and productivity, biological progress in plant and animal Phone Number IT production, plant and animal production technology, agricultural machinery and equipment, organic and mineral fertilizers, plant protection products and growth regulators, production, warehousing, storage, processing of agricultural produce and animal products, innovative methods to improve animal welfare and protect animal health.

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