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This way you don’t have to worry about confusing your Great Aunt Gertrude with a step by step guide to PPC. 12. Brand Facebook Page Another sort of obvious one, but it shouldn’t be overlooke. Grab a good quote from your content, make sure your image displays correctly and send it out – assuming it is relevant to your audience. 13. Facebook Groups Facebook groups are still alive and well!

Because many users are  Or articles on your already using

Facebook in their personal time, they are usually more active in groups. Join a few industry-relate groups and share your best content once a month. While also contributing to the group when possible. Be sure to stay active as a member of the chat or group by answering  special data questions, reading others’ content, and contributing genuinely to the group. 14. SlideShare Creating really good content takes time. One way to get the most mileage out of your content is by taking highlights and turning it into a presentation for SlideShare. Just changing the format you present your content in can help reach a wider audience.

Quora Quora has been around forever

And is known as the internet’s premier question and answer website. Users post a question, and users answer that question. Pretty straight forward. But when you  Phone Number LT  consider that a business or a representative can research what kind of questions customers are asking, and have a detaile blog post ready to answer it, it becomes a great opportunity. Knowing what your audience is having a problem with can help give you great ideas for content that will drive traffic to your site. 

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