Build your email list Every email campaign

Needs an audience, which is why you need to build your email list. Companies can create and grow email lists in a few ways, including: Gating content, like a downloadable guide or whitepaper Producing high-quality content regularly, like blog posts Creating exit-intent popups Adding email opt-in forms across your site And more While you can purchase email lists, you’ll want to avoid this strategy. Yes, it’ll grow your list of email subscribers, but it’ll also damage your brand. People who didn’t ask for your emails will start receiving them and instantly associate your brand with spam.

Besides the hit to your brand image

Your email campaign will also have a high unsubscribe Canada Email List rate. Help your brand grow its image (versus crush it) by building a high-quality email list instead. While this process takes time, help from a content marketing agency like WebFX can speed up the process because they often have the resources, connections, and experience to create high-quality, viral content. This kind of content, like an infographic or guide, can help you build a qualified email list fast. 3. Segment your audience Once you start attracting subscribers, you’ll want to start segmenting.

Segmenting is a super-effective email

Email Data

Some businesses have seen a 760% revenue increase China Email List from segmenting their email subscribers, which is why every email marketing strategy should use segmentation. You can segment (or organize) your subscribers a few ways, like by: Purchase behavior Website behavior Age Location And more With segmentation, you deliver more relevant emails to your readers. For instance, if you operate a clothing store, you want to send email campaigns that share the most relevant information with your shoppers. Women shoppers, for example, may receive announcements about the latest styles for ladies versus hearing about your upcoming menswear line.

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