Create fair competition



advertising management. There are, however, a myriad of other possibilities that are not known because the web giants are crushing everything. This is why regulatory tools such as DMA are implemented upstream to:, in particular for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises and European start-ups; stimulate innovation, growth and competitiveness in the digital market; strengthen the freedom of choice of European consumers. A strong challenge to fight against a sudden 




monopoly for web consumers and even more sudden for small


structures carrying projects in this same field. What Argentina Phone Number List Panama Email List are the activities covered by the DMA? The activities covered by the DMA are quite varied. They will affect all sectors of the web where GAFAM have significant monopolies. This will therefore range from search engines to social networks or even virtual assistants. A very large gallery of services that you will find below: intermediation services (such as marketplaces, app stores); search engine ; 




social networks; video sharing platforms; online messaging; operating systems (including connected televisions); cloud services; advertising services (such as advertising networks or exchanges); web browsers; virtual assistants. What changes following the DMA for companies using the web? DMA changes In concrete terms, what change will this represent for the everyday user and especially for the advertising company? Well if everything goes as Europe expects, you’re going to have to change the way you do web 




marketing a bit. You will have to think about diversifying your


sources of acquisition, rethinking your persona models and certainly putting your site back at the center of all your web marketing work. No longer bet everything on Google services and other web giants We will have to think about diversifying our levers on the web if this action really takes place. Indeed, the goal is above all to split the market to remove the main web players from their monopoly. If your entire way of working on the web is to revolve around a single.

Phone Number List

actor, you will certainly have Phone Number LT to evolve. Perhaps the most striking example is that of Google. Today, many companies work their site around SEO on Google, whether natural  or paid. You also certainly use related services such as the Google My Business file or the office suite.


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