What is Data Enrichment? Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

What is Data Enrichment – ​​There are many important parts that you must understand when running a business. One of the many important parts is understanding good data management. Yes, a business can start to run if it is based on mature data management. We can interpret mature data management itself as information. The information used in business must of course be relevant to existing market trends. Moreover, it must be relevant to the data on the needs and desires of your market audience . In business, we can call this kind of data management data enrichment. The good experience of targeted customers will improve drastically. Ultimately, you can take advantage of it to increase customer loyalty to your business products.

What is Data Enrichment

Obtained from Hubspot, data enrichment or in Indonesian means data enrichment is the process of increasing the accuracy of raw customer data. This process is closely related to adding new information to verify previously existing Canada Telegram Number Data data sources. This addition is intended so that business people can understand customers’ true desires and needs. Helps you to reduce total costs, especially those related to data search activities. Because with data enrichment, you can have a large database (data backup ) as “fuel” to prepare the latest marketing strategies . Lastly, it makes it easier for your team to communicate with each other well.

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Benefits of Data Enrichment

There are many benefits that can be obtained from good data enrichment . Here are benefits that you will get if you carry out this business strategy. You will more easily understand the needs and desires of customers. The strategy of Jamaica Phone Number List increasing harmonious relationship marketing will also be a domino benefit obtained from data enrichment. Forbes also states that of data enrichment is effective for business people to use to get this benefit. Behavioral targeting strategies become easier to implement. Yes, data enrichment makes it easier for you to carry out personalized marketing. This is important to create the impression that your product is the solution to customer problems. In fact, according to data from Forbes, of personalized marketing is successful.

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