Do you know your target group

The purpose of the ad on the left was to bring the phone model to the attention of the potential customer. The ad on the right. on the other hand. was later shown to those who saw the first ad. lowering purchase barriers with the help of an offer. Summary Use these in the act phase Keyword advertising – reach your customers right at the beginning of the search for information YouTube – showcase your product and create emotion with video Display and DV360

Googles counterattack to traditional

Encourage getting to know your product and buying Discovery – brings your product to the fore during daily web browsing Read also native advertising. Discovery Ads Convert – make shopping easy with Google business lead Shopping With the removal of barriers to purchase. it is important to make buying as easy as possible without the consumer having to search for new products to compare or analyze the available information. At this point. Google Shopping advertising comes into play. T

Decid that he wants to buy produc

He consumer has t A. if the company has given a positive image of its expertise in the earlier stage of the purchase Phone Number LT process. consumers will appreciate this. but the place of purchase may still change. Google Shopping raises the products for sale above organic results and text ads when displaying search results. Through the advertisement.

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