Highlighting the store’s newest fall shoes in both

The email content and the subject line, to drive clicks and purchases. 2. B2B: FedEx Email campaign example: FedExGoal: Educate clients Audience: Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies In this email marketing campaign from FedEx, the company aims to educate its clients. The email shares relevant articles about shipping and selling during the holiday season. Notice that this email, while short, breaks away from the Highlighting the rule of keeping emails to 50 to 125 words — and succeeds. 3. Ecommerce: OtterBox Email campaign example: OtterboxGoal: Drive product purchases Audience: iPhone users OtterBox creates a successful email marketing campaign by keeping its email short and to-the-point.

This email highlights the company’s newest

Cases for the iPhone 12 through a big, bold image Germany Email List and then provides an easy-to-understand CTA. It also highlights the brand’s free shipping offer. 4. Financial: QuickBooks Email campaign example: QuickBooksGoal: Drive product purchases Audience: Free trial users QuickBooks uses a hyper-targeted email marketing campaign to drive purchases of its software. In this email campaign example, the company notifies a user that their free trial ends soon and invites them to become a customer. QuickBooks also explains what will happen to the user’s account data if they don’t.

Zillow Email campaign example:

Email Data

ZillowGoal: Drive website traffic Audience: Previous Japan Email List website visitors Zillow adopts a creative approach to driving website traffic: Highlighting listings based on their features. In this example, Zillow compiles a list of listings with stunning kitchens in different styles to get users back on the site. 6. Medical: CVS Pharmacy Email campaign example: CVS Goal: Promote brand loyalty Audience: Past or current clients In this email campaign example, CVS Pharmacy delivers a personalized email that invites the reader (a past or current client) to get a free prescription savings review.

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