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How to Generate More Leads with Heatmaps: Case Study from Pronto

Heatmaps are a research method that uses eye -tracking and click -tracking to determine how visitors behave when they are on your landing page or website. Unlike other analysis methods, you don’t need any special knowledge to read the maps: the WYSIWYG principle, or “what I see is what I get,” applies here.

Heat signatures are a visual representation of where users are looking or clicking most often. Case Study from Pronto  Knowing the hot spots, or objects of greatest interest to your visitors, you can thus change your offer so that lead generation or another conversion goal is more effective.

Pronto, an all-in-one marketing buy phone number list service that offers support to small and medium businesses, turned to Crazy Egg to understand how the interaction between the site and potential buyers occurs. As a result, they carried out a complete redesign of the landing page, increasing conversion to 24%.

How to Increase Sales by 15.7% Using Heat Maps
Old version of the site

The main goal of a company’s landing page is to direct business owners to the sales department as quickly as possible, turning them from regular visitors into active, qualified leads.

To optimize conversion, it was decided to create a heat map, which would allow visitors to see with their own eyes how interactive elements of the site, such as videos, drop-down menus, links, buttons, and others, are used by visitors.

Heatmaps technology provided the following information:

The landing page heat map showed that visitors did not always behave in accordance with the company’s expectations, Case Study from Pronto ignoring most of the information and paying attention only to very specific sections of the landing page. However, this data became the basis for further changes.

9 Eye Tracking-Based Conversion Optimization Tips
Heatmap Analysis

buy phone number list

The heat map revealed three key points:

Landing page visitors show a consistent interest in interactive educational elements such as product information, benefits, pricing, company details, and so on.
A significant number of users contacted the company only through a tiny “Contact” link in the footer of the page.
Unexpectedly, many visitors expressed a phone number lt desire to see examples of websites designed for a specific product niche.
Interpretation of data

Insight #1 confirmed the rationale for investing in educational content, and also showed that this approach generates the right traffic. Case Study from Pronto Business owners interested in fully outsourcing their marketing department rarely make such a decision hastily, and the heat map showed that visitors carefully study all the information available on the site about the company and product when interacting with the landing page.

Insight #2 revealed that users liked the offer so much that they looked for a way to contact the company, going all the way to the bottom of the landing page where there was a tiny “Contact” link. So, while the decision to put contact information on the home page was right, the choice of its location was extremely unfortunate.

Insight #3 showed increased interest from visitors in offers designed for a specific product niche. The idea of ​​a marketing plan that would meet the unique characteristics of a business was incredibly attractive to potential clients.

7 lessons from eye tracking practice

While the first and third insights confirmed the feasibility of the efforts taken and suggested a further direction for development, the second discovery made it possible to act immediately.

Marketers came to the decision to place a link to the company’s contacts in the form of a bright CTA button in the landing page header, as well as in a “sticky” navigation menu that moves with the user, making site navigation more convenient and conversion more effective:

New Pronto Header and Navigation Menu

Now it is much easier to find examples of products tailored to specific business niches on the site:

New header

Caption: “It doesn’t matter what business you’re in. You’ll be happy with the results.”

The area that presented the company’s metrics, Case Study from Pronto which had previously looked like a blank space due to a boring graph, was replaced with a colorful book-like illustration titled “Website Performance Report” and a CTA button offering to get a free report:

about company metrics

The landing page design has undergone gambling data significant changes, becoming more focused on presenting the company’s values ​​and unique offering, and the informative video now details the benefits of working with Pronto:

Landing page design


Landing page section dedicated to the benefits of working with the company

As a result of the work carried out, the number of clicks to go to the “Contacts” section increased by 17%, and the overall conversion rate increased to 24%.

May your conversions be high!

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