How to use Tag Manager to analyze the degree of interaction with your videos

I look out the window, the sun is still coming in and the day still has light left for a few “catch catches” in the park. Marina is waiting for me. I only have one task left to do: publish this post. I stretch my back (mine, of course) and look at the ceiling, as if preparing for the task. I smile. Today has been a super productive day. You could say that my snails are getting closer to the top of the wall. That motivates me even more. Maybe not to you, because you will only know what I mean if you attend this class …

Why measure what the user does with the videos on my websites?

 Does with the videos on my websites? Cucha Vic, I tell myself. Are you stupid or what? Hard question. Well, because you are a Growth Hacker “on the way” and you must measure everything. Because everything category email list must be measured. No or what? Well, yes and no. The more we measure, the more data we collect for when questions arise in the future. But what I am clear about is that measuring must be the way to respond and that only with the right questions can you take advantage of analytics . And that’s it! We are now ready to collect more data, this time about how our visitors and potential clients, or our visitors and potential clients, i

Last conclusions

And that’s it! We are now ready to collect more data, this time about how our visitors Phone Number Lt and potential clients, or our visitors and potential clients, interact with the videos we upload to our pages. And that’s it! We are now ready to collect more data, this time about how our visitors and potential clients, or our visitors and potential clients, interact with the videos we upload to our pages. If you combine this with strategies in which you follow an indoctrination sequence, or depending on what part of the video you speak for according to what levels of consciousness… do you already see the power of this feature? You see, smoke coming out of your head I

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