Important Elements in Brand Storytelling

Talking about what elements are in brand storytelling, we will also more or less touch on the AIDA technique. Yes, in brand storytelling there are also important elements that are also present in AIDA. These elements are Awareness and Action. Also Read: Latest Social Media Design Strategy The following are important elements that must be present in brand storytelling; Empathy. You must be able to position yourself as if you were a user of your business brand . Make sure that your brand is indeed capable of being a solution to the business problem you are trying to solve. Able to attract attention. Learn well what sounding is in business. Authentic and honest. Give brand information as it is and honestly. Study your brand’s unique selling point well . Relatable . Related to jargon, taglines, headlines or slogans . Make sure that the choice of words for the section has high relevance value.

Guidelines for Brand Storytelling

A Fixed Origin Story The first is to establish an origin story first. Here you can include important parts of the business and also what important values ​​your business holds. To make it easier, you can use the question guide below; Why did the Sweden Telegram Number Data business appear or be created? Who founded it? What is the process of establishing the business? Is the company vision? What success have you had in business? Challenges faced in business problems? How do you solve it? Make your business story so heroic The second guide to creating brand storytelling is to provide heroic values. You can get this heroic value if your business is able to provide the best solution to existing business problems for your market audience.

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Determine your brand personality

Third is to identify your brand personality . Here you can use brand archetypes to make it easier for you to identify the business brand personality . Designed by Carl Jung and it contains archetypes. Each of these archetypes has its own set Norway Phone Number List of emotions and associations. Determine your brand goals and values Fourth is to formulate the purpose of your brand . The purpose of the brand must be in line with the brand storytelling that you have previously developed. Turn this goal into one sentence that can communicate the values ​​you create for the business. As for values, keep them as simple as possible, involving or words. Example: Adidas with the words Performance, Passion, Integrity, Diversity.

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