Is it better to save more money or increase income to achieve financial independence

Is it better to save more money or increase income to achieve financial independence. I just watched a video of a Youtuber who lives on less than $1,000 a month. It may not seem like very little, but the standard of living and daily costs in some areas of the United States are much higher than what we might be used to in a city in Europe outside of the large capitals.

Save as much as possible to achieve financial independence

Save as much as possible to achieve financial independence Not spending is the first step to creating savings. You can decide to buy one less coffee a day at Starbucks or really go to extremes like the Youtuber who doesn’t leave the house and washes his clothes under the shower to reduce water consumption by taking advantage email database of the daily shower. In the end it is how in the business world. Everything you don’t spend you don’t have to enter. Depending on your income level and savings, we may be talking about hours.

Earn more to achieve financial independence

Earn more to achieve financial independence It is easier to save more than to earn more. Especially if you do not have specific experience in a profession that is in demand in the labor market or Phone Number LT you are not a born entrepreneur who turns everything he touches into gold. The impact of increasing income, especially if you start from a low base, will always be more relevant.

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