What is Instagram Marketing and What is the Best Strategy?

What is Instagram Marketing – Instagram is a social media that allows users to share photos and videos. Recently, Instagram has also been focusing on developing their Reels feature for short video distribution, like TikTok. Even though the concept of Instagram has changed a lot since the days of Kevin Systrom, in fact these changes have allowed it to continue to compete for the title of King of Social Media. Through Instagram’s new CEO , Adam Mosseri, Instagram continues to provide the latest features. What can even be said is that Instagram better understands the needs of social media users, especially regarding content filtering. Even though Instagram is inferior to TikTok when it comes to presenting trends, Instagram understands the psychology better than its users.

What is Instagram Marketing

The preference for displaying content given to users is what makes Instagram grow more rapidly. Obtained from DataIndonesia.id , Indonesia is one of the countries with the most Instagram users in the world with the number reaching of the UK Telegram Number Data million internet users . Data from also says that Instagram has statistical data that can benefit business people. These statistics include; Instagram has a number of active users worldwide reaching billion monthly, and reaching million daily users. Instagram is the th most visited website in the world. The average Instagram user spends around minutes per day. Around watch stories videos every day. of users open Instagram at least once a day. Indonesia is the fourth country whose citizens use Instagram the most, after India, the United States and also Brazil.

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Best Instagram Marketing Strategy

After knowing the meaning of Instagram marketing, it’s time for you to find out what strategy is best for this marketing channel . Actually, there are many strategies that can be implemented in Instagram marketing. You can take advantage of many types of content that are currently trending. Here are Instagram marketing strategies from MinTiv. Using Business/Professional Instagram The first is to Namibia Phone Number List use Instagram as a business or professional model. As the name suggests, this account model is designed specifically for business purposes. What differentiates this account model from the usual account model is the features it contains. If you use Instagram with a business or professional model, then you will get access to the Insights feature. In this feature there are main menus, namely Account Reach , Account Engaged and Total Follower.

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