It’s also nothing new that poor sleep can take a toll on us. How do we feel after a bad night? We have difficulty concentrating, we think slower, we lack motivation, our speech is not fluent… It happens to all of us, we see it as a natural thing, as a logical sequence: I can’t sleep OK, I’m in a bad mood. The problem is, when those bad nights become chronic, when sleep is restless, we are building a highway to neuroinflammation. During chronic sleep deprivation, inflammatory mediators increase and trigger the activation of glial cells and microglia, causing neuroinflammation. Keep in mind that low-grade neuroinflammation from chronic sleep deprivation can lead to anxiety as well as learning and memory problems. Improving your diet can do nothing else. Just as our diet can contribute to our low-grade inflammation, there are also different nutritional factors that can contribute to our neuroinflammation.
Eating saturated fats
Fried fats or oxidized fats with a high carbohydrate content: The terrible combination of high fat and high carbohydrates apparently leads to obesity and induces the production of pro-inflammatory substances in fat cells. This metabolic Latvia Mobile Number Database environment produces neuroinflammation. Research research. This is important to emphasize because the ketogenic diet, which is high in good fats and very low in carbohydrates, is probably one of the most common interventions for treating neuroinflammation. But, additionally, high insulin levels mean that fat cannot be used by the body for fuel and cannot be converted into ketone bodies to “feed” our neurons. Insulin itself activates glial cells. Consuming proteins with high inflammatory potential such as wheat or dairy: This excellent study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, showed that in a population sample of people, up to of people tested positive for certain antibodies. Against wheat or milk proteins.
What’s more: Of those who tested positive
Percent had markers of inflammation in the brain. Therefore, the inflammatory environment created by consuming large amounts of these foods has significant inflammatory potential. Too many meals: Intestinal permeability increases Indonesia Phone Number List every time you eat. as well as greater transfer of bacterial products into the blood and postprandial inflammatory response. Not surprisingly, there is multiple evidence that meal spacing or intermittent fasting has a positive effect on neuroinflammation. Consume nutrients that have the ability to modulate neuroinflammation and or cross the blood-brain barrier. Among them are some of our old friends, those traveling companions that have always accompanied us in a balanced diet: Bioflavonoids: flavonoids such as resveratrol, curcumin or apigenin The compound has been shown to modulate inflammation.