One argument that can be made for the protagonist

A is that it is the character of X. X is a young man who is navigating the complexities of life as a teenager in a rapidly changing world. Throughout the novel, X undergoes a journey of self-discovery and growth, as he grapples with issues of identity, sexuality, and family. X’s internal struggles and external challenges drive the narrative forward, making him a compelling and dynamic character that readers can root for. Additionally, X’s perspective is the one through which the reader experiences the events of the novel, further aligning him with the traditional role of the protagonist.

However, another argument

That can be made for the protagonist of A is that it is actually the character of Y. Y is X’s best friend and confidante, who plays a pivotal role in Mexico Phone Number X’s life and journey throughout the novel. Y’s presence is a constant source of support and guidance for X, as well as a source of conflict and tension. Y’s character is complex and multi-dimensional, with his own struggles and challenges that mirror and complement X’s own. Y’s relationship with X is central to the plot of the novel, making him a key figure in the narrative.

Additionally, some scholars argue

In other words, That the true protagonist of A is not a single character. But rather the collective experiences and relationships of the characters as a Albania Phone Number List whole. The novel is a tapestry of interconnected stories and perspectives. Each contributing to the larger narrative in a meaningful way. The relationships between characters. Such as the friendship between X and Y. The familial bonds between X and his parents. And the romantic connections that form and dissolve throughout the novel. All shape and inform the central themes of the story. In this way. The true protagonist of A is the web of connections and emotions that bind the characters together. Rather than any one individual.

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