Osteoporosis: More than just calcium deficiency

know you’ve also heard that calcium deficiency is the leading cause of osteopenia and its most More than just  severe form, osteoporosis. In this case, simplification of functional mechanisms has produced and will continue to produce excessive alarm over this mineral depletion. You are right, eating foods containing calcium is important for bones. Now, you only know a small part of it, and only with a deeper understanding of human physiology will you realize that health is simple, but disease is extremely complex. What is osteoporosis? It is defined as a bone disease characterized by decreased bone resistance. This may be due to insufficient bone mineral density or changes in bone microstructure or both. This can lead to greater fragility and risk of fractures, called osteoporotic fractures. Do you think osteoporosis is normal? If we saw an increase in the number of people with this disease, maybe we’d say yes, right? According to the World Health Organization, more than 10,000 people in Spain suffer from osteoporosis.

Data from the Spanish Society of Gerontology

Gerontology show that there are approximately hip fractures in people over the age of 10 in our country every year. In fact, hip fractures are potentially the most serious fractures due to their high mortality rate. and social Germany Mobile Number List health impacts. Another scary fact is that approximately beds in trauma hospitals are occupied by patients with osteoporotic fractures. On top of that, every year, people die directly related to fragility fractures. You must have heard about the constant remodeling of bones, and that it has a constant “turnover,” that is, it has a rhythm of formation-destruction, which will give your bones good quality and resistance. If all this physiology is so valid, then the question is: Why are osteoporosis diagnoses increasing.

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Why is bone demineralization a growing concern?

Paradoxically, why is our osteoporosis incidence rate higher in our advanced society and with more medical resources? You and I both know that this is not caused by a simple lack of calcium, do you agree? If we review some of the factors Georgia Phone Number List that influence bone metabolism, what do you think? As I expected, bones, like any tissue, undergo “turning over.” Here, bone-building cells called osteoblasts and bone-destroying cells called osteoclasts come into play. As you can imagine, the function of these cells will be determined by the metabolic environment in which they live. If the environment is good, that is, healthy, there will be a good balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts. On the contrary, if the environment does not meet the optimal conditions, this balance will be disrupted, and bone destroyers, osteoclasts, will direct the destructive activities.

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