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Purchasing a similar quantity of links

What old-school link builders often overlook is the exponential nature of link building campaigns. If one of their campaigns goes viral, it’s possible to earn 30, 40, or even 50 links from the most authoritative and trusted websites or publications.

 of the same quality would easily cost you over $20,000 (if you can find anyone to buy the links from).

Below I’ve covered some ways you can earn quality links in 2022 without putting your website at risk .

Digital PR

What is digital public relations?

Digital public relations is a marketing strategy recent mobile phone number data used to increase the online awareness of a brand, company, or website.

It may include more traditional PR activities, such as sponsorships and advertorials, but for the most part, it focuses on garnering links from top-tier press and websites through creative, data-driven content marketing campaigns.

Digital PR is widely used in SEO campaigns hong kong phone number to complement technical SEO and other on- and off-site optimization efforts.

How to do digital public relations

How to do digital public relations](image2.png)

Explaining in detail how to run an effective google amp was never really that effective in the first place digital PR campaign would require another article, but I’ll try to address the key points below.

Since the goal of digital PR is to garner links and coverage from high-authority news and industry websites, the first thing to keep in mind is that the content created for the campaign must be truly newsworthy.

Being newsworthy simply means that your content provides a unique, entertaining, and/or attention-grabbing perspective.

It will help if, before launching any new digital PR campaign, you ask yourself, “What do journalists want?”


Most journalists are constantly looking for new and unique information to support or complement a story they’re working on.

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