That’s because most emails are short

One study by Campaign Monitor, for example, found that the ideal length for email content is 50 to 125 words. While that doesn’t provide your business with a lot of room to tout your product’s benefits, it does force your team to get to the point. Keep in mind that not all That’s because emails are 50 to 125 words. You can write emails that exceed 125 words, and there are plenty of successful email marketing campaigns that do. If you want to see if your campaign is one of them, conduct split testing and see which email (the longer or the shorter version) performs best.

Once you finish drafting your email

ave someone proofread it and then make any Denmark Email List updates. Brainstorm your subject lines Almost every guide on how to create an email marketing campaign will talk about your subject lines. In email marketing, subject lines are essential. They decide whether someone will open your email or open the one next to it. If you want your emails to get opened, then you need a concise yet engaging subject line. Some best practices for writing subject lines include: Tell readers what is in your email Use personalization, like a reader’s first name Have power words like “start,” “discover,” or “send” Make the email urgent with phrases like “fast,” “soon,” or “act now” If you A/B test your email subject lines, you can learn which tactics work best with your audience.

Even if you decide not to A/B test

Email Data

You’ll often benefit from spending the extra five India Email List minutes brainstorming additional subject lines. That additional time can help you think outside the box and develop a subject line that breaks your previous record for open rates. 9. Send your email campaign With your email campaign designed, written, and proofed, you can now send it. Before you deliver your email, though, complete these last-minute checklist items: Review your included and excluded send lists Check your email and subject line for any typos Ensure your personalization tags (if present) have a fallback You can also send the email to your inbox first so that you can preview it from your desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

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