The best celebrities of the 2021 venice film festival jennifer lopez – $2m in miv® among the numerous international stars protagonists of this year’s festival. The name of jennifer lopez certainly stood out . In addition to her rumor flashback with ben affleck. The celebrity made headlines by appearing on the r carpet in a total white dress with a plunging neckline. Embellish with cartier jewels . With just one post publish on her instagram profile. Jlo earn more than $2m in miv®. Over 4.5m likes and approximately 32 thousand comments. Zendaya and ester exposito – $2m in miv® how many of us want the magnifica serpenti hypnotic emerald necklace by bulgari that zendaya wore for the occasion?
Zendaya and Ester Exposito – $2M in MIV®
The global ambassador was one of the most cit personalities in the international press. And despite her being publish on her fe a few days late. b2b email list The celebrity still manag to generate a mia impact value™ of $2m in miv® . The same miv® was obtain by the spanish actress ester exposito . Also a global ambassador for bulgari. Who in addition to the jewels. Sponsor a sophisticat mermaid dress by versace. The actress achiev a total of the same miv® as zendaya. But with two different placements. Timothée chalamet – $841.4k in miv® the anticipat protagonist of the 2021 venice film festival. Timothée chalamet. Generat a mia impact value™ of $841.4k .
Timothée Chalamet
Earning him the title of best male celebrity of the entire event. Adriana lima – $714k in miv® slightly lower than chalamet is the beautiful adriana lima. Who achiev a mia impact value™ of $714k with two placements for the etro brand . The model is in fact chosen by the brand for two r carpet looks. One more sensational than the other! The best influencers of the 2021 venice film festival georgina rodríguez – $939k in miv® numerous influencers land in venice. Having been invit by the event’s brands and sponsors. As in the case of georgina rodríguez . The model and partner of the footballer cristiano ronaldo who generat Phone Number IT $939k in miv® with a post mentioning ermanno scervino – regarding the dress – and pasquale bruni for the necklace.