The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed

The lives of people across the globe. As in-person shopping experiences are limited, people are turning to their smartphones, tablets, and computers to buy their essentials. As we head into the holiday season, Adobe reports that ecommerce sales are projected to reach as much as $189 billion at 33% YoY growth. Consumers are also expected to do as much as 42% of their The COVID-19 shopping from smartphones this holiday season. This online demand spurred on by the pandemic has brought to the forefront the need for a clean, shopper-friendly user experience (UX) on ecommerce websites.

We’ll look at five ecommerce UX design

Tips directly related to what we’ve learned in the wake Laos WhatsApp Number Data of COVID-19 that can mean huge benefits for your ecommerce business. 5 ecommerce UX design tips Here are five easy ways to improve UX on your ecommerce site: Clearly display key information and updates on your site Highlight return and shipping policies Show related products. Answer FAQs and write robust product descriptions Make your site accessible to a wide audience. Clearly display key information and updates on your site. As people begin the process of shopping online. One of the first places they’ll go is a company’s website.

It’s more important now than

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Ever that they’re able to find information on your site Costa Rica WhatsApp Number List that will allow them to quickly make informed decisions — especially in light of COVID-19. Key information may include: Hours of operation Contact info. Health and safety precautions your company is taking. Any other important announcements hello fresh. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to place an extra emphasis on clarity. Avoid simply dumping all of this information at the very top of the site. Or using intrusive popups.

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