This is an effective strategy since existing customers

have already proven their interest in your company by purchasing from you before. A good retargeting strategy for existing customers is to encourage them to buy things related to what they previously purchased, or to recommend things they might like. So for example, if someone buys nails, you could recommend a magnetic glove to help This is an hold those nails as they work. 7. Set time constraints on retargeting ads Throughout the process of running your retargeting ads, keep in mind that timing matters. When users leave your site, they typically leave for a reason.

You don’t want to send them an email

Five minutes after they bounce since they probably Sweden WhatsApp Number Data won’t be interested so soon after leaving. Instead, you need to consider how long to wait before beginning the digital retargeting process. Give users time to be more receptive to the notion of returning to your site. Likewise, don’t make your ads too frequent. If you’re sending people emails five times a day, they’ll get annoyed. And finally, consider how long you’ll continue to target them. If you spend a whole month targeting someone, and they never exhibit the slightest interest, it may be time to focus your resources elsewhere before you start to get on their nerves.

Partner with a team of ecommerce masters

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WebFX campaigns have delivered more Hong Kong WhatsApp Number List than 14,936,451 ecommerce transactions in the last 5 years Read the Case Studies arrow right cta2 img Get more help with your retargeting ads from WebFX Now that you know how to retarget online users with ads, you can begin to put it into practice yourself. But if you’re still struggling to make it work for you, don’t worry — WebFX can help. With over 28 years of experience in the digital marketing industry, we know digital retargeting inside and out, and can optimize it for your business.

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