Under the European Green

Deal and the Sustainable and Under the  Smart Mobility Strategy, transport emissions must be by % by , to levels. For the European Commission, the Under the  commercial fleet markets for light and heavy vehicles show high annual mileage and a rapid rate of vehicle replacement, and are well to accelerate the transition to zero-emission mobility. Possible actions to accelerate this adoption could complement the application of current rules on emissions from road transport. % of vehicles on a European scale are by various business actors, differing significantly from sales by private buyers in terms of usage, annual mileage, turnover rate, operational and other factors. Corporate fleets play an even more prominent role when it comes to vans, buses and trucks. The business entities in its acquisition and operation include a large number of SMEs, as well as some larger operators.

 In the aforementioned Sustainable

Smart Mobility Strategy of December , the European Commission its intention to propose actions to boost the adoption of zero-emission vehicles in company fleets. This more ecological mobility should constitute an element of new viability that would allow the transport sector to grow. According to its work program for , pub Business Email List in October , the Commission its intention to present an initiative in this regard in the third quarter of However, this did not materialize. It is that the Strategy was particularly clear in advocating the replacement of current fleets with vehicles with low or zero emissions and the promotion of the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels, with the Commission committing to proposing actions to boost the adoption of these low-carbon vehicles. zero emissions by urban and corporate fleets and considering that, for this purpose, SMEs would easier access to financing.

 Not limiting itself to motor vehicles

The European Commission that investment should finance the modernization of fleets in all modes of transport, to ensure the implementation of technological options with low or zero emissions, including through the adaptation of existing material and regimes. appropriate renewal requirements on all of them. For the Comm Arabia Email List ission, support for fleet renewals, to be in line with international subsidy obligations and EU state aid rules, will help preserve a productive manufacturing ecosyas preserving the technological leadership of the EU’s industrial base. In order to analyze the state of play of the corporate fleet market, outline challenges and possible areas of action and collect examples of good practices to accelerate this transition, the European Commission is currently developing a stakeholder consultation process, which will last until the th April, anticipating that the College of Commissioners may present an initiative in this regard in the second quarter.

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