Txt to block authoritative urls urls blocke with robots. Txt will not be crawle by google. Which means they will not see any canonical content page tags on the page. Correspondingly. This also prevents them from converting Link assets from non-authoritative to authoritative. Mistake : setting the authoritative url to Noindex never confuse noindex and rel canonical.
They are conflicting instructions. As john mueller explains here . Google will often prioritize canonical content page tags over Noindex tags. But this is still a bad practice. If you want unindexe and authoritative urls. Use reirects. Otherwise. Use rel canonical. Mistake : setting xx http status codes for authoritative urls setting xx http status codes for canonical urls will have the same result as using the Noindex tag: google will not be able to see the canonical content page markup and transfer Link equity to the canonical page version.
Mistake : authoritativeize all paginate
pages as root pages paginate pages should not be canonicalize as the root page in a series. Instead. Chinese Australia Self-referencing authoritative content pages should be use on all paginate pages. Why As googles john mueller said on reit . This is a bad usage of rel canonical. Since this article is about canonical.
The main thing we should avoid is using rel canonical on page to point to page . But page i Belgium Phone Number List s not the same as page . So using rel canonical is incorrect. John mueller john mueller. John mueller. Google webmaster and trend analyst you should also use relprevnext tags for pagination. Unlocking Customer Phone Numbers
Although google no longer uses them
Bing still does . Mistake 5: not using authoritative content page tags with hreflang the hreflang tag is use to specify the language and geographic location of the web page. Google says that when using hreflang. You should Use the same language as the designate authoritative content page. Unlocking Customer Phone Numbers Unlocking Customer Phone Numbers
Or use the best alternative language if not available. how to detect and fix such authoritative errors Its easy to make mistakes during the canonicalization process. So its important to regularly audit your site to identify issues relate to canonical content page tags and fix them as quickly as possible. For this job. You can leave it to ahrefs site audit tool . Unlocking Customer Phone Numbers