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Want to increase conversion? Get your lead form in order!

Statistics show that with the launch of the new Lead Management System , more and more users of the LPgenerator platform are actively and, most importantly, successfully generating leads for their business. So let’s return your lead form in order to the topic of optimizing landing pages containing a lead form in this post.

Lead generation: for both big and small!
“What should you consider when creating a page with a lead form?” and “How to make it as effective as possible in terms of conversion?” – we will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

The most important requirements for the lead form

Ask for information that is truly important to developing your marketing strategy.
Minimize the number of fields as much as buy bulk sms service possible. Ideally, leave only 2 or 3 (name, email, phone number).
Don’t make all fields mandatory. Only the information that is necessary to establish contact (name, email and/or phone number) is mandatory.
Do not request personal information (age, registration address, etc.) and bank card details and/or passport details – this may alert users.
Don’t ask questions that can’t be answer (e.g. “Are you sure you’ll be our user?” or “How long will you be using our product?” etc.).

 Develop lead forms yourself

No one knows the target audience your landing page is design for better than you, as the owner of a store/service. Only you understand what information is really important for your company’s marketing strategy. Don’t use the opinions of people who are not Internet marketing specialists. Split-test your lead form and CTA element and find out for yourself what is best for your business.

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3. Error indicators

Each mandatory field must be accompani by a “highlight” of the filling error (if the user has not fill it in, a pop-up window or a message with an error message must appear).

This is a very important point from the usability point of view. If your lead form in order the user tries to send the form several times, and in response he gets an error message, but the field containing it is not marked, then he will simply abandon his intention to send the lead. As a result, because of such a trifle, you will lose a potential client.

Please note that in landing pages created using the LPgenerator editor, error highlighting is built in automatically (including when the email address is specifie incorrectly, for example, if the address contains spaces).

 Use columns if the lead contains more than five items

There are cases when using a phone number lt list with a choice option (“checkboxes”) is simply necessary. It is advisable to use it on pages offering a product with a large number of parameters (for example, shoes: color, size, instep height, etc.).

If your lead contains more than 5 items in the “checkbox”, break the categories into columns. Otherwise,  your lead form in order the length of the form may seem “intimidating” and, more importantly, the button (CTA element) will be below the user’s “field of vision” (below the “bottom border” of the visible part of the browser window).

Use different backgrounds for the form

A lead place on an area other than the main color of the landing page, rather than just a white background, is more gambling data  noticeable. Test different options – fill with a single color, texture, or highlight the shape with a frame.

Thanks to the LPgenerator editor background gallery , the possibilities for designing the lead form background are limit only by the user’s imagination.

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