As Person Organization Fit The Company

The entire NWX team is in the starting blocks to bring us to life and share these 4 days of pure 100% digital madness! First kick-off launchd with the conference “How to move from the web of clicks to the web of attention?” End the deception! “. As a reporter and supporter of Powertrafic, I was myself in the stands, but Powertrafic was mainly present on stage with the intervention of our leader, Henri Offroy Surprises and twists for this start of the conference It’s sunny, it’s hot, it’s happening at 106, in short, the day promises to be great for this Summer Festival! I almost feel like I’m going to a music festoch.

Their Values ​​and Goals This Phenomenon

At the entrance, I am given my pretty blue pass plus a pair of 100% NWX glasses, which I obviously choose blue, fashion all the way database to the end of the branches! Color matching with the pass I head to the main hall to attend the morning conference “100% NWX members” and also to support my boss, Henri Offroy, who will be on stage! Speaking of stage, I’ll set the scene for you: subdud and cocooning atmosphere, it’s like being in an Ikea catalog it’s so well decoratd.


That They Work For A Company That Shares

It should help the participants to relax. The conference promises to be fun and quirky, being animatd by the charismatic and original, Thierry Samper, secretary general of the NWX association and director of the Arcange group, that could not happen Phone Number LT otherwise. The proof. The public is installd, the conference can begin. In order to ease the tensions of the speakers and to capture the attention of the public, Thierry literally immerses us in an exercise of mditation. On a Zen music, a female voice invites us to relax, to close our eyes, and to breathe deeply.

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