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On your favorite news. Your favorite Internet media from one place. You can follow your competitors to know instantly what type of content they upload each day. Share the content on your social networks. Get ideas for content curation for your blog or other social media. Get to know other media outlets thanks to their suggestions. How to use Feedly in Spanish Feedly is very easy to use. To be able to enjoy this platform you just have to register on it for free and then search for the news media that you want to start following.

Updated information

Once you add the pages email database you want to follow. Therefore, you can organize them by folders to be able to separate them, for example, by themes. When a news item appears to you from a media outlet. Therefore, Feedly can show it to you in two ways: You can read the full content of the news without having to leave Feedly. It shows you an extract of the content and if you want to continue reading you will have to click on the link that takes you to the website where the news is hosted. 

In WordPress

For example, you can tell RSS readers Phone Number IT  to show the reader an excerpt of the news or to view the entire news. In my case I have it configured so that they go to my website, since I am interested in them visiting my site. But we’ll talk about this later. The main interface of the tool is divided into two distinct parts: In the left area is the configuration. Therefore, menu and the added Feeds. On the right side you will see a preview of the latest news that shows you the media you have added. 

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