Ways to Learn SEO for Beginners, Latest Roadmap!

Learn SEO for Beginners – SEO is the science of optimizing a website so that it can appear. On the first page of search engines through certain keywords . This knowledge is widely used by business people to increase their brand awareness on the most popular search engine in the world, namely Google. Why Google?. This is natural considering that Google is the number search engine in the world and its level of popularity is far above other search engines , such as BING, Yandex, and Baidu . “When was the last time you used Bing, Yandex or Baidu?”. The average of these answers is rarely or even never. To be able to optimize this knowledge on the Google search engine, you need several appropriate learning steps. In this Creativism Blog, MinTiv often says that to be able to learn SEO well, you have to understand important methods.

Ways to Learn SEO for Beginners

Have a Blog or Website First SOURCE: WORDPRESS.COM The first thing you have to do first is to have a blog or website. You can create your own domain through Google ‘s Blog service , namely Blogger.com. Indeed, the domain Mexico WhatsApp Number List owned by this service is still free and will give you a URL like www.bisnisanda.blogspot.com, but that is enough as a place for you to learn SEO. You could choose another service, such as WordPress. As time goes by, you can replace the domain with a new custom domain that is more suitable or falls within the Top Level Domain criteria.

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Learn whether your blog or website is SEO friendly or not

The second is to ensure whether your website is SEO friendly or not. You can check this manually or by using tools. If you choose tools, the checking process will be faster, more effective and efficient. Also Read: How to Check the Romania WhatsApp Number List SEO Strength of a. Website Some of the tools that MinTiv recommends for you when carrying out this check are. Perform a Manual Audit Even though you have carried out an automatic website audit using the tools MinTiv recommends above, you still have to carry out a manual audit. This manual audit is closely related to the On Page SEO method. A website optimization technique in which all steps are carried out on or within the website directly. MinTiv has explained a complete, step-by-step explanation of how to audit a website manually in the previous Creativism Blog article.

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