7 Best Cost-Effective Digital Marketing Strategies!

Best Digital Marketing Strategy – As a businessman, it is natural that you always think about the best marketing strategy every day. Especially in the digital era, where you have to run a business with digital marketing. If you can’t, then your business will gradually be easily rivaled by competitors. There are many digital marketing channel options that you can choose from. But as a businessman, you definitely prefer to implement a digital marketing strategy that gives you maximum results with minimal effort . Moreover, the effort involves business costs. Choosing to run a “burn money” strategy using platforms such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads is not wrong. But it would be unwise if the person doing it is a novice businessman with minimal experience, plus he doesn’t choose to have abundant financial reserves.

7 Best Cost-Effective Digital Marketing Strategies!

SEO Marketing SOURCE: The first is to carry out SEO marketing. SEO marketing is a marketing technique whose activities involve optimizing a website so that it can appear on the first page of Search Engines through certain keywords . The search engine that is the benchmark is Google. This is natural considering that Google is the number 1 search engine in the world, and its level of Poland WhatsApp Number List popularity is far above its closest competitor Bing with a value of 92.21%. Also Read: How SEO Can Make Your Business Grow? If your content is on the first page of Google, it will certainly be easy for you to develop other content strategies that can increase brand awareness. Not to mention that to carry out SEO marketing, all you need is quality content in 4 SEO methods, namely Local, Technical, On Page & Off Page SEO.

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Social Media Marketing

Next is to run social media marketing. Yes, having an account on certain social media is free, and almost no social media charges. A fee just for users to have an account. With that fact, you can promote more of your business product Cambodia WhatsApp Number List knowledge in it. Order Now: Best Instagram Management Services There are many social media that you can choose from, one of which is Instagram. Yes, Instagram has a lot of statistical data that can benefit business people. Some of them are; Instagram has more than 1 billion monthly active users. 500 million of them are daily active users. The level of involvement of internet users is relatively high. This can be seen from the data of 100 million photos and videos uploaded per day on Instagram. That number has received more than 4.2 billion likes. Instagram is popular among teenagers, and 73% of business people strongly believe that Instagram is the right medium to target them. The average Instagram user spends around 30 minutes per day opening Instagram.

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